Prohibited Places Weapons Charges

Dallas Lawyer To Defend Charges From Carrying A Weapon In A Prohibited Place

If you are facing a criminal charge because you’ve brought a weapon to a prohibited venue in Dallas, it’s understandable that you may be confused or frustrated. The state of Texas is known for its gun laws, and many Texans are conscious defenders of second amendment rights. So, when you are confronted by law enforcement about your weapon when you are Licensed to Carry (LTC) in the state, it can feel like your rights are being violated.

There are many situations in which the right to bear arms is recognized and supported in our state. However, while Texas and lawmakers recognize open carry as a right for licensed gun owners, there are certain areas where state and federal legislators have decided that  it is safer to prohibit the presence of weapons.

What Places Are Weapons Prohibited in Dallas?

Texas weapons law prohibits citizens from carrying arms in certain places. These weapons include firearms of any kind, as well as location-restricted knives, clubs, and other banned weapons.

Some of the places in Texas you cannot bring your weapons include:

  • At schools, colleges, universities, and other places of education
  • Off-campus at the location of a school activity
  • On or near school buses, vans, or other vehicles used by an educational institution
  • At polling locations
  • In courthouses and other government offices
  • At bars, clubs, or other places with alcohol licenses
  • On-location at jails, prisons, and other correctional facilities
  • On the campus of a hospital, nursing facility, or mental care hospital
  • In any amusement parks
  • Within the secured area of any airport, including Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) or Dallas Love Field airport.

Arrested For Carrying A Weapon In a Prohibited Place?

While the venues that require you to leave your firearm or other weapons at home may vary, the consequences remain largely the same. These offenses are usually charged as a third-degree felony, punishable by two to 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

Because the consequences for a conviction of these charges are so extreme, it’s crucial to have an attorney on your side as early on as possible. Different aspects of your case may be used against you harshly in a court of law. Weapons charges attorney David Traylor understands just how important a keen eye and an expert understanding of the law can be. His approach to strategic defense has enabled him to see countless clients through to the best outcomes possible.

Work With An Expert Defense Attorney In Dallas Today!

Traylor Law Firm

If you are facing weapons charges, defense attorney David Traylor is here to help. For over 20 years, Traylor law firm has been a trusted source of legal representation for those facing prohibited weapons charges. We have helped to defend countless clients’ second amendment right to bear arms, and we are prepared to get to work for you.

Contact our Dallas weapons charges law firm by phone or online to schedule your free consultation today!